
Equipped with a Probe Cs Corrector, the Titan is the most advanced (S)TEM in the EM centre, capable of sub-angstrom STEM imaging. The Titan is optimised for high resolution chemical analysis and also hosts an in-situ gas/heating system.

The probe corrector, combined with a high brightness electron source (X-FEG), large collection angle EDS detectors (Super-X) and Electron Energy Loss (EELS) spectrometer (Gatan Quantum) allows the collection of atomic resolution spectrum images (elemental maps).

Since moving into the new facility within MECD, the Titan is now housed in a state of the art lab purpose built for high resolution electron microscopy. The lab build consists of a heavyweight box within a box construction with passive mu-metal shielding and active vibration cancelling to minimise acoustic noise, magnetic fields and floor vibrations across the full frequency range. The Titan has been upgraded to allow remote operation from an adjacent control room to take full advantage of the extremely low noise environment, resulting in a performance far superior to in the previous facility.

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Electron Source: X-FEG
Accelerating Voltage: 80/200 kV
EDS: FEI Super-X
EELS: Gatan Quantum 965
TEM camera: Gatan Ultrascan XP
In-Situ: Protochips Atmosphere

Contact: Matt Smith