Tecnai F30

As the EM centre’s only 300kV (S)TEM, the TF30 offers greater penetrating power than the 200kV systems, allowing imaging of thicker samples. The TF30 is equipped with STEM-EDS and a NanoMegas Astar system for Scanning Precession Diffraction (SPED).

At over 20 years old, TF30 continues to operate nicely and what was once the highest resolution TEM in the centre, is now much more a workhorse type system capable of all standard TEM techniques, STEM-EDS and SPED.

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Electron Source: FEG
Accelerating Voltage: 300 kV
EDS: Oxford Instruments X-Max T 80
TEM Camera: Gatan Orius
SPED: NanoMegas Astar

Contact: Matt Smith
Location: MECD EM Centre