FEI Quanta 650

One of the most highly booked microscopes in the centre, the Q650 is a true workhorse system, and continues to be one of the favourites of our users. This is for good reason, there is very little in SEM materials research that cannot be accomplished with the system. With the Q650 the benefits that come from a FEG source are combined with a large chamber for insitu experiments (both mechanical testing, and heating), numerous electron detectors (SE, in-column SE, solid state BSE, scintillator BSE), and elemental and crystallographic analysis (Oxford AZtec EDS and EBSD). The Q650 even has the capability to operate in higher chamber pressures when sample charging is an issue.

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Electron Source: FEG
EDS: Oxford Instruments 50mm2 X-Max
EBSD: Oxford Instruments NordlysNano

Contact: EO
Price: £xx/hr